π₯ What's Happening this Month | the Clutter Exodus Workshop | Come to a Cafe Chat β -free- π₯
Yes, I have been quite absent from email, podcast and such. Sorry. Life happened but I am on the other side and can't wait to jump back in.
Yesterday I received the results of my first post-cancer mammogram.
I sit here this morning, celebrating a few things.Β Coming out of my post-cancer healing journey, I am excited for new things I had to put on pause last year and finding my way back to comforting old rhythms.
My 2023 season...
You've dealt with the garbage, now what?
Where to start when you avoiding dealing with the clutter around you...
Do you find yourself singing the anthem... "I don't have enough__"
You think containers are items to store things.... items to contain more items... BUT do you really know their power and how you can utilize it as a tool in your Clutter Liberation journey?
Massive declutter efforts move you forward but are they sustainable? We all love the quick fixes - the big before and after images -- but what happens a week after the big after picture?
Thinking you can't, shouldn't. or fear change can keep you stuck in your clutter. A lot of clutter comes from ingrained thoughts and habits. You have permission to change!
Welcome to Nest Feathers.
I value all things HOME and at the heart of it, I value peace and good flow. Room to be, and room to grow. That means we have to continually let go of stuff that we've collected and used in due time. I help you get over the hurdles where you are stuck, with encouragement, wisdom, insight, and action.
I'm your Declutter Coach,
Diane Berkers