
In-Person EVENTS - starting in September πŸ‚  Sign up to be on the invite list

Available Products

The Nest

Check out My Story, my thoughts on Clutter, the weekly Podcast, and the Community Chat.    Create a free account and participate with me and others in the comment sections of my private Nest Feathers community.

The Clutter Exodus Course

Looking for the Pleasant Way to Declutter with Lasting Results? Go from burdened to brightened!  Embark on a gentle 3-week Clutter Exodus with me.

Strength in Numbers

Personal Coaching Solutions to propel you past your overwhelm, shame, and blockages.  Together we make great decisions and kick down walls so you move FORWARD.

777 Clutter Hunt

Join The Fabulous Clutter Hunt!  A wonderful reverse form of a treasure hunt that begins on the fourth Friday of the Month, so you enter next month a little lighter.  Find the low-hanging fruit and build your declutter 💪 muscles -- gently!

An Encouraging Letter

Stuck on your Clutter Liberation Journey, need a warm pick me up?  I would love to send you a personal handwritten letter of encouragement. 

My Products Available Products
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