
πŸ’₯ What's Happening this Month   | the Clutter Exodus Workshop  |  Come to a Cafe Chat β˜• -free- πŸ’₯

Strength in Numbers

I know... that, you know...

That the nuts and bolts of dealing with your stuff are not rocket science. 

Essentially: Trash, Donate, Sell, Keep! 


if that was all it took then you would not be here...

Hoping for Relief, hoping for Solutions

I offer:

  • experience and insight into what your stuff represents to you
  • help to untangle the emotions, the misconceptions, the lies, that hold you back, keep you feeling cluttered and stuck
  • a shift in your perspective and vision so that you can let go without regret
  • hope for a permanent lifestyle change

You are NOT a slob, you are NOT a hot mess – you are just stuck in an area. 

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DISCLAIMER: I’m not implying you’ll duplicate the testimonies you will hear or read, I have the benefit of pursuing and practicing Clutter Liberation for years.  Your results will vary and depend on many factors …all Successes require commitment and consistent effort and action on your part.

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