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My Daily thought
I sit here this morning, celebrating a few things. Coming out of my post-cancer healing journey, I am excited for new things I had to put on pause last year and finding my way back to comforting old rhythms.
I have my first in-person event since my cancer pause all set up and ready to advertise. For the first time, I am ready to roll with loads of time to promote and tweak my content to make it a more fabulous user experience. HAPPY HAPPY DANCE!!
This is the first time I am collaborating with someone and the joy that Nia at Good Vibrations Rock Shop has, fills my heart.
Yesterday, I looked at my writing desk – a special spot I created devoted to early morning journaling and learning. It had become a catch all and I was sad I had not spent a happy amount of time there since going into chemo last year.
I cleared off all the books I had accumulated in this season (many unread), moved and shelved the accumulated stationary and put it back to bare basics. Sigh! That felt sooo much better.
I then looked at my journal and pondered why I resisted spending time writing in it, I missed it but struggled to invest the time and energy again. I still loved the paper and special pen I used.
I then saw that I had flagged a lot of pages with sticky notes so I could go back when I needed encouragement. However, they were folded and creased and overall made the journal feel very messy and cluttered, therefore unpeaceful and uninviting.
I looked at each of the pages I had tagged and removed the sticky notes. It actually was not mentally easy. I had a lot of inner dialogue that was telling me I would forget it was there if I took that marker away. I pondered this and spoke truthfully with myself, I really did not refer back to them, most times I would just randomly open my journal and find a happy surprise in past writings and that brought me joy. It really was ok to remove the tags. I also decided I could spend some time creating an index of key topics at the back of the journal if I wanted to create a reference. I had options, the information was not lost.
Wow, when all the tags were removed, I felt such a calm. I made a coffee, filled my fountain pen with my favourite blue ink and wrote 3 pages. The most I have written in a single sitting in years. It was worth tackling the problem, recognizing the clutter, my truths and having a successful outcome.
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Welcome to Nest Feathers.
I value all things HOME and at the heart of it, I value peace and good flow. Room to be, and room to grow. That means we have to continually let go of stuff that we've collected and used in due time. I help you get over the hurdles where you are stuck, with encouragement, wisdom, insight, and action.
I'm your Declutter Coach,
Diane Berkers