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How often you do say or think "I don't have enough ___" a day?
Do you wake up with first thoughts "Ugh I didn't get enough sleep" and end your day with "I didn't have enough time to get everything done today"
Add in all the in-between statements:
I just don't have enough!!!
Is this statement attached to a lot of your day-to-day thoughts?
If so, this NEGATIVE statement is robbing joy and contentment from your life. It can be a crutch for avoiding difficult things. It can also be a barometer of how you are not choosing to align with your desired priorities.
This Lack mentality takes up the space that Possibility should be holding and creates a cycle in your life that you really don't want to live.
I suspect maybe it is also part of your clutter woes and/or has become an anthem for keeping your clutter.
Watch and see what this positive statement, reinforced over time, can accomplish in your actual day-to-day achievements as well as in your mental wellbeing!
It will bring joy to you and your nest!
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Welcome to Nest Feathers.
I value all things HOME and at the heart of it, I value peace and good flow. Room to be, and room to grow. That means we have to continually let go of stuff that we've collected and used in due time. I help you get over the hurdles where you are stuck, with encouragement, wisdom, insight, and action.
I'm your Declutter Coach,
Diane Berkers