π₯ What's Happening this Month | the Clutter Exodus Workshop | Come to a Cafe Chat β -free- π₯
So I have a brief ABC system to get you started on your Clutter Liberation journey so that you can have Joy In Your Nest.
A - Deal with your ABSOLUTES first.
"Absolutely that is trash"
"Absolutely I can donate that"
"Absolutely I don't use or need this"
Dealing with the easy stuff, primes your declutter muscles, it begins to make you get used to the rhythm of letting go of things. Seriously, this is an underdeveloped muscle and that is why it is painful at the beginning... no joke, just like starting a physical exercise routine. So this is the gentle way to get started. Deal with the no-brainer absolutes. If you are conflicted in any way move on to the next item. Simple, we will check back in with the other items later.
B - Watch your BUYS.
Most of your stuff came into your home because you bought it. Learn your whys and become wise.
You cannot learn to live an uncluttered life without addressing your buying habits. Now realize you have a unique value system, I am not looking to change that I am just helping you see if you are buying truthfully or you are buying based on the buying habits of previous generations, previous seasons in your life, buying because of emotion (my hand is owning this one, I dated Walmart and Winners -- showering them with my money and coming home with primarily useless trinkets and clutter - I bought because I was lonely, I bought because I learned to shop for entertainment versus need.)
C - Find your CATALYST and do it.
A catalyst requires a small effort on your part but it creates a snowball effect and builds momentum easily. My advice: make your bed with excellence every morning and see what that starts to do to your bedroom.
Oh the beauty of intentionally setting out to do one single itty bitty thing and then seeing multiple items completed. It is pure sweetness and satisfaction. The #1 catalyst is making your bed well each day. Set your mind to do only that one wee thing consistently and let me in the community chat about what that accomplishes for you :). Now if you have seasons like I do when the bed is on rotation (my husband is on call and some days, I am getting out of bed and he is crawling in so it never gets made) then you need to pick another catalyst. My second favourite option is buffing the kitchen sink. (I am old school, I use a bit of comet, scrub, rinse, wipe with a rag and sometimes buff with a bit of olive oil because our water leaves mineral spots.) This one simple intent leads to a few other great accomplishments.
These are my ABCs to get you started.
More from my Journal Notes
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