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What's Clutter Liberation?

Although it may involve organizing, it is NOT the art of storing your stuff in a pretty way.

Although it is living with less, it is NOT necessarily minimalist lifestyle.

Although you may not feel liberated in the process, you WILL feel it shortly thereafter.

Clutter Liberation is learning to live wisely with your possessions.  Like the beauty of breathing;

  • Receive/Bring in what you need (this is different for each of us, we all need different things to bring us life)
  • Utilize it for the intended purpose of that season of your life.
  • Release it and any unneeded heart connections once the season has passed.

Your physical, mental, and emotional capacity are all impacted by clutter and one area definitely impacts the other.

Embarking on a Clutter Liberation frees you up from ties to the past that hinder you from embracing the present and even dreaming for the future. 

Your possessions do not hold memories - you do, you are the container for memories.  However you are not meant to live in your memories you are meant to continually make new ones.  You have heard the saying Life is for the living.

A Clutter Liberation is meant to be a permanent life of FREEDOM. 

  • It means dealing with your current possessions
  • It means being more thoughtful about future possessions.
  • It means diving into why you bring in items so that you can push the decision to the beginning of the cycle and prevent some items from crossing your welcome mat.
  • It means setting up a rhythm and flow that works for your nest that allows what items you have thoughtfully allowed in, to come and go in its natural life cycle.
  • It means unlocking some dreams so your purchasing power is used wisely and to it's fullest JOY potential!

Clutter Liberation of your possessions usually leads to liberation in other areas of your life like a Financial Liberation, Mental Liberation, Emotional Liberation, Health Liberation, Relationship Liberation, and or Dream Liberation.

Where do you need liberation?


Clutter Liberation Practice the relief of less

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