π₯ What's Happening this Month | the Clutter Exodus Workshop launches online | Come to a Cafe Chat β -free- π₯
It's NOT really about organizing...
when you have less stuff in your Nest, how you store and how you retrieve items becomes a whole lot easier!
I'll walk you through, the "easy, but you haven't taken the time to deal with" clutter.
The harder stuff that overwhelms you and your emotions, clutter.
Uncover the whys -why you have too much stuff, why you can't let go - revealing truths so it can be easier to release and not re-accumulate.
I kept all my childhood stuff because I wanted my children to love & value what I had.
I dated Walmart and Winners when I was single and lonely.
I didn't leave a store empty-handed until I was in my 40's. *I know clutter!*
🗝️ Why is it clutter for you?
🗝️ Are there emotions behind it?
🗝️ Is it "Oh I can easily let this go, I just didn't see it before" OR
🗝️ Find the hidden truth so that you can untie the heartstring that's kept it in your nest
🗝️ Ways to actually discard items
🗝️ Create new rhythms so you are NOT Clutter-Stuck in the future
I've walked a personal journey of releasing my ⛰️ mountain of possessions.
I had zero clue I had an issue… until I HAD AN ISSUE in my marriage (listen here)
Struggling with my volume of stuff, the emotional attachments and constant excuses to keep it all - I finally chose to go to the deep-heart places...
I started really asking WHY?!
Why did I have so many possessions?
- Why did I buy or pick up stuff -
- Why did I keep them -
- Why couldn't I just let go? Now and when I should have -
With my newfound understanding, I untied the heartstrings and started plucking feathers ...creating joy in my nest. AND because of my journey, NestFeathers, (which launched in 2010 as a decorating business) evolved into declutter coaching services.
I know you have reasons behind all the possessions you have.
Nest Feathers is a safe place to look deeply, learn, let go and create new rhythms to live in freedom. 💗
* Must go through the Clutter Exodus Course or Workshop as a pre-requisite.
Get Hope | Experience more Joy
Find Freedom to pursue the next Adventure
Here is the latest from the Podcast ~ Joy In The Nest
It can be intimidating talking to someone about your stuff, your home. It's an intimate space and reveals a lot about you.
My home is where I live, where I wash the dirty laundry and dishes, navigate the joys and sorrows of family life, entertain friends, clean up cat barf, run a business out of and make memories in.
I’ve walked the Clutter Liberation Journey,
I've walked & taught many others through their successful journey,
and I have keys and solutions to walk with you through yours. 💗